Video Translation
Translate your generated video in multiple languages to improve the reach, accessibility, and inclusiveness of your videos.
Video translation is an Enterprise Plan feature.
To translate a video, navigate to video you want to translate and select the option menu located on the top right of the video (or under the three dots) and select Translate
to access the translation modal.

Translation modal
- Enter the targeted languages for the translation.
- Optional: Toggle on
Only translate script
to only translate the video's script.
This option is disabled by default, meaning that by default the translation engine will translate both the script and any text elements included in the video's scenes - Optional: Toggle on
Automatically generate videos
to automatically generate all versions of a translated video. Once the translation process is complete, this will trigger bulk generation of the original video and all of the translated versions of that video. - Click
to start the translation process.
Translation storage
When you translate a video, Synthesia creates a folder with the translated videos and moves the root video to the folder.
The title of the folder is title_of_your_video - translations
. The translated videos will not be generated by default—they'll exist in the folder as drafts until you choose to generate them.

Translation folder
If you decide to translate the root video into another language later on, the new translations will be stored in the same folder as the previous translations. All translated versions of the root video will be in the same folder.
Deleting translation folders
Deleting a folder containing translations cannot be undone!
You'll get a confirmation prompt when attempting to delete a folder containing translations.
Deleting a folder containing translations will disable language switching from the video player, and any new translations will create a new folder.

Deleting a folder
When you update the root video, you'll have the ability to re-translate it to all of the languages it's been updated to before without selecting each language one-by-one. You'll also be able to select additional languages to translate it to.

Retranslating all videos
Whether or not you update the root video, if you re-translate it to a language it's already been translated to before, the existing translated version of the video in that language will be updated by default. The previous version of the translated video will be saved as an older version, so you can restore the updated translation to the previous version if necessary.

Translating modal
Learn more about version management in the Versioning & Commenting page.
Accessing all translations
From the Home page
You can identify the root video from its translation tag, located under the video's title:

Translation overview
- Hover over the translation tag to get a list of all of the translations that are available for the video.
- Click on the translation tag to open the translation folder for the video.
From the Video Overview page or the editor
When you open of the root video (or any of the translated videos) from either the Video Overview page or the editor, you can click on the language button next to the title to navigate to other translations of the video.

Translation displayed on video overview page
Publishing translations
Your captions will be available in all of the languages you've published your video in.
You can publish all of the translations (that have already been generated) in one go from the publish menu. This will publish the latest generated versions of each associated translation. Newly generated translations will not be auto-published.
Of course, you can opt to publish each generated translation one-by-one if desired.

Publishing translations
If you want to publish a single translation independent of the root video, you'll have to duplicate the video in order to detach it from root video, and then publish it.
Languages in the player
You'll be able to access and watch your video in its original language and all of the languages it has been translated to from the Multilingual Video Player. The Multilingual Video Player can be accessed from the Video Overview page, the Share page, and anywhere you've embedded your video using the embed code.
Learn more about the Multilingual Video Player in the Video Player page.

Language selection in the Synthesia player
Accessing specific languages with URL query parameters
Developers can set the video to play in a specific language using the embed code feature.
Here's how it works:
- If the language parameter isn't set in the URL, the video will play in the same language as the user's browser, but only if that language is available. If it's not, the video will play in its original language.
- If the language parameter is set in the URL, the video will play in that language, provided it's available. If not, it'll default to the original language.
Learn more about editing the embed code for the Multilingual Video Player in the Video Player page.
Supported languages for translation
You'll find a list of all the languages supported for video translation in the Supported languages page.
Updated 28 days ago