Synthesia Keyboard Shortcuts

All supported keyboard shortcuts with the Synthesia application.

Below are the main keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your video creation process.

Copy/PasteYou can copy/paste elements and slides using:

  • Copy: Cmd/Ctrl + C
  • Paste: Cmd/Ctrl + V

Undo/Redo undo/redo elements and slides using:

  • Undo: Cmd/Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Z

Resize Element resize an element using the following commands:

  • To lock resize aspect ratio: Hold Shift
  • To center origin during resize: Hold Alt/Option

Move Canvas Element move the canvas elements in two ways:

  • Small move: Arrow keys
  • Large move: Hold Shift + Arrow keys

Other commands:

  • Deselect Element: press the Escape (ESC) button.
  • Delete Element: press Delete or Backspace buttons.
  • Change Placement of Scenes in Bulk:To select one or two scenes, hold shift + cmd/shift + ctrl and drag and drop.
  • Open Special Characters in Script Box: press control + cmd + space which you can add to your script box if required.