Synthesia Keyboard Shortcuts

All supported keyboard shortcuts within the Synthesia application.

Below are the main keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your video creation process.

Generic Synthesia Shortcuts

Find below the generic Synthesia shortcuts that work on any Synthesia pages.

ActionShortcut MacOSShortcut Windows
Undo⌘ + ZCtrl + Z
Redo⌘ + Shift + ZCtrl + Shift + Z
Copy⌘ + CCtrl + C
Cut⌘ + XCtrl + X
Paste⌘ + VCtrl + V
Duplicate⌘ + DCtrl + D

Video Edit Shortcuts

Find below the Synthesia shortcuts when editing your video and manipulating the different assets on a scene.

ActionShortcut MacOSShortcut Windows
Move asset up, down, left, right (Large), , , , , ,
Move asset up, down, left, right (Small)Shift + ↑, Shift + ↓, Shift + ←, Shift + →Shift + ↑, Shift + ↓, Shift + ←, Shift + →
Group assets⌘ + GCtrl + G
Ungroup assets⌘ + Shift + GCtrl + Shift + G
Select all assets⌘ + ACtrl + A
Lock Asset toggle⌘ + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + L
Send Asset Backward⌘ + [Ctrl + [
Bring Asset Forward⌘ + ]Ctrl + ]
Send Asset to the Back⌘ + ⌥ + [Ctrl + Alt + [
Bring Asset to the Front⌘ + ⌥ + ]Ctrl + Alt + ]
Align Assets to the Left⌥ + AAlt + A
Align Assets to the Right⌥ + DAlt + D
Align Assets to the Bottom⌥ + SAlt + S
Align Assets to the Top⌥ + WAlt + W
Align Assets on Vertical Center⌥ + VAlt + V
Align Assets on Horizontal Center⌥ + HAlt + H
Distribute Assets Horizontally⌥ + Shift + HAlt + shift + H
Distribute Assets Vertically⌥ + Shift + VAlt + Shift + V
Align Text Left⌥ + LAlt + L
Align Text Center⌥ + EAlt + E
Align Text Right⌥ + RAlt + R
Underline Text⌘ + UCtrl + U
Bold Text⌘ + BCtrl + B
Italic Text⌘ + ICtrl + I
Add TextTT
Script PreviewSpaceSpace
Script Preview (with focus)⌘ + Shift + SpaceCtrl + Shift + Space

Scene List Shortcuts

The following shortcuts work when being focused on the scene list on the left side of the video edit page.

ActionShortcut MacOsShortcut Windows
Add Blank SlideNN
Select All Slides⌘ + ACtrl + A