Keyboard Shortcuts
All supported keyboard shortcuts for the Synthesia editor and video player.
Editor Shortcuts
General Shortcuts
These are the top-level shortcuts you'll be able to use in the editor.
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Undo | ⌘ + z | Ctrl + z |
Redo | ⌘ + Shift + z | Ctrl + Shift + z |
Add Comment toggle | ⌥ + c | Ctrl + c |
Manipulating Elements
Select one or more elements, or groups of elements, to use these shortcuts.
General Element Shortcuts
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Select all elements | ⌘ + a | Ctrl + a |
Deselect element(s) | Esc | Esc |
Copy | ⌘ + c | Ctrl + c |
Cut | ⌘ + x | Ctrl + x |
Paste | ⌘ + v | Ctrl + v |
Duplicate | ⌘ + d , ⌥ + Drag | Ctrl + d , Alt + Drag |
Delete | Delete , Backspace | Delete , Backspace |
Lock/unlock element(s) | ⌘ + Shift + l | Ctrl + Shift + l |
Lock aspect ratio while resizing | Hold Shift | Hold Shift |
Center origin while resizing | Hold ⌥ | Hold Alt |
Group elements | ⌘ + g | Ctrl + g |
Ungroup elements | ⌘ + Shift + g | Ctrl + Shift + g |
Attach comment to element(s) | ⌥ + c | Alt + c |
Moving, Aligning, and Distributing Elements
If one element is selected, the element will be aligned relative to the canvas. If multiple elements are selected, they will be aligned relative to each other.
The order in which multiple elements are selected is not relevant. If you select multiple elements, they will be aligned based on which element is furthest in the direction of the alignment applied.
For example: if
Element A
is in the middle of the canvas, andElement B
is on the right side of the canvas, selecting both and usingAlign to the Left
will align the left edge ofElement B
with the left edge ofElement A
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Move element(s) up, down, left, right (Large increment) |
Move element(s) up, down, left, right (Small increment) |
Align to the Left |
Align to the Right |
Align to the Bottom |
Align to the Top |
Align Vertical Centers |
Align Horizontal Centers |
Distribute Horizontally |
Distribute Vertically |
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Send Backward | ⌘ + [ | Ctrl + [ |
Bring Forward | ⌘ + ] | Ctrl + ] |
Send to Back | ⌘ + ⌥ + [ | Ctrl + Alt + [ |
Bring to Front | ⌘ + ⌥ + ] | Ctrl + Alt + ] |
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Add a new text element | T | T |
Set Text Alignment to Left | ⌥ + l | Alt + l |
Set Text Alignment to Center | ⌥ + e | Alt + e |
Set Text Alignment to Right | ⌥ + r | Alt + r |
Underline text | ⌘ + y | Ctrl + u |
Bold text | ⌘ + b | Ctrl + b |
Italicize text | ⌘ + i | Ctrl + i |
These shortcuts will be available when you select one or more scenes in the scene list on the left side of the editor.
You can copy or cut a scene from one video and paste it into a different video. The pasted scene will contain all of the same elements, animations, and script content of the source scene.
Action | Shortcut MacOs | Shortcut Windows |
Go to previous scene | ↑ | ↑ |
Go to next scene | ↓ | ↓ |
Add new scene | N | N |
Select all scenes | ⌘ + a | Ctrl + a |
Select multiple scenes | Hold ⌘ + ↑ , Hold ⌘ + ↓ | Hold Ctrl + ↑ , Hold Ctrl + ↓ |
Select multiple adjacent scenes | Hold Shift + ↑ , Hold Shift + ↓ | Hold Shift + ↑ , Hold Shift + ↓ |
Copy scene(s) | ⌘ + c | Ctrl + c |
Cut scene(s) | ⌘ + x | Ctrl + x |
Paste scene(s) | ⌘ + v | Ctrl + v |
Duplicate scene(s) | ⌘ + d | Ctrl + d |
Delete scene(s) | Delete , Backspace | Delete , Backspace |
These shortcuts will work if you don't have any elements or scenes selected.
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Preview script | Space | Space |
Preview script (with focus) | ⌘ + Shift + Space | Ctrl + Shift + Space |
Video Player
Use these shortcuts to control the Synthesia video player (whether you're watching a video from its share page, or it's been embedded elsewhere).
Action | Shortcut MacOS | Shortcut Windows |
Play/pause | Space , k | Space , k |
Mute/unmute | m | m |
Turn subtitles on/off | c | c |
Seek forward 10 seconds | → , j | → , j |
Seek backward 10 seconds | ← , l | ← , l |
Increase playback speed by 0.25x | > | > |
Decrease playback speed by 0.25x | < | < |
Go back to beginning of video | 0 | 0 |
AI Screen Recorder
Use these shortcuts while recording your screen with the AI Screen Recorder browser extension.
Action | Shortcut MacOs | Shortcut Windows |
Hide/show screen recorder | ⌥ + Shift + h | Alt + Shift + h |
Pause/resume recording | ⌥ + Shift + p | Alt + Shift + p |
Finish recording | ⌥ + Shift + d | Alt + Shift + d |
Updated 15 days ago