Videos describe the content that you've created with Synthesia. Using the API, you're able to generate new videos either from scratch or using one of your existing Synthesia templates.

The Video object contains the necessary information for interacting with your content. Crucially, the video status describes the processing status and governs the availability of some of the other object attributes.

Object KeysDescription
idType: String

Unique identifier for the video.
titleType: String

Title of the video (used on the video's share page).
descriptionType: String

Description of the video (used on the video's share page).
ctaSettingsType: Object

Settings for a call-to-action button.
ctaSettings.labelType: String

Label for a call-to-action button.
ctaSettings.urlType: String

URL to navigate to, when the call-to-action button is clicked.
visibilityType: String

Describes the private settings of the video.

- If public, the video's share page is active.
- If private, the video's share page is not active; visitors will receive a 404 Not Found response.
statusType: String

Describes the processing status of the video.

- in_progress: the video is being processed.
- complete: the video was processed successfully.
- error: an error occurred during processing.
- rejected: the video was rejected during moderation due to inappropriate content.
downloadType: String

A time-limited URL which may be used to download the video.

This field is only available if the video status is complete.
durationType: String

Duration of the video.

This field is only available if the video status is complete.
callbackIdType: String

Arbitrary metadata set for the video when creating the video.
createdAtType: Integer

UNIX timestamp representing the time video was created.
lastUpdatedAtType: Integer

UNIX timestamp representing the time video was last updated.