Set up the world's first automatic video personalization flows with Synthesia and Zapier. No coding required.

πŸ‘‰ Find Synthesia App on Zapier

The goal of this guide is to help you set up automated flows which will create and send completely personalized videos to your customers/employees/partners without code. All this can be achieved with Synthesia Zapier app - without any code and in less than an hour.

What are the use cases for Zapier with Synthesia?

Use casesApplicable zaps
πŸ‘‹ Greeting high value leadsHubspot, Mailchimp, Webflow, etc.
πŸ“… Asking high value leads for a meetingHubspot, Mailchimp, Webflow, etc.
πŸ™ Greeting/thanking new customersShopify, Hubspot, etc.
πŸ›’ Pinging abandoned cart customersShopify, etc.
πŸ€” Thanking survey respondersTypeform, Google Forms etc.
πŸ‘ Thanking job applicantsWorkable, Greenhouse, etc.

What do you need to start using Synthesia with Zapier?

To start using Synthesia with Zapier, start by creating your Synthesia API key:

  1. Go in the upper right corner of the Synthesia application and click on your account.
  2. Select Integrations
  3. Click on Add to add a new Synthesia API key.
  4. Copy this key thanks to the 3-dot button on the right side of your API key.

Then head in Zapier and configure the Synthesia Zapier app.

How to set up Zapier + Synthesia?

Below you can see a visualized view of a possible Zapier integration with Synthesia. It includes the creation of two zaps.

  • The first zap serves as a trigger for video creation based on a customer's lifecycle event.
  • The second zap triggers when the video is ready to be sent to your user via email or SMS.

πŸŽ₯ Set up Zap 1: Generate personalized video

This first zap serves as a trigger for video creation based on a customer lifecycle event.

Now it's time for a bit of your creativity to come into play. Think about your use case and your user touchpoint that you want to use as a trigger to send a personalized video message.

⚑ Zap Trigger: Pick your existing tool

Below are a few Zapier triggers that you could use as the step 1:

  • Hubspot (New Form Submission, New Contact Property Change…)
  • Typeform (New Entry)
  • Shopify (New Customer, New Abandoned Cart…)
  • Webflow (Form Submission)
  • Mailchimp (New Customer, New Order…)
  • Calendly (Invitee Created)

πŸŽ₯ Zap Action: Synthesia Request New Video

In the Zapier action, provide the Synthesia template ID and template data of the template that you'd like to base your final video on. If you're not familiar with Synthesia templates, make sure to have a look at this guide before continuing.

Optionally, you may provide a title and description for the final video. If you don't provide one, Synthesia uses the values from the template (which may be variables themselves).

Finally, if required, specify the callback ID. This field is video-specific and is included in any video events or payloads. This means that it may be used to store metadata that is meaningful to you. For example, you might choose to store the customer's email from step one so that in a later step, you can use this email address.


How to maximize personalization in the video script?

Think creatively about the final video. The more personalization points from step one above that you include, the more personalized the final video will feel.

You can include anything that might be relevant to your message recipient: name, industry, title, position, company, product, etc.

Feeling extra creative? You can even use Zapier Paths after step one to conditionally generate different templates or populate variables with different values. This way, you can tailor the final video based on your user's inputs and choices.

πŸ“¨ Set up Zap 2: Send video to user

This second zap serves as a way to send an email/SMS to your user with the personalized video. In the simplest form it can have 2 steps. Let's look at them below.

⚑ Zap Trigger: Synthesia New Video Ready

Select Synthesia New Video Ready Trigger. No other input is required here.

πŸ“¨ Zap Action: Pick an email provider

Select your tool of choice to send emails to your customers: Email by Zapier / Gmail / Mandrill Postmark... Then define the standard parameters for the email. Below is one example.

To: <Callback ID from Step 1>
Subject: New to Synthesia?

<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>I'm super happy to see you in Synthesia.</p>

<p>To make a first successful video attend our  <a href="">Synthesia 101 enablement session</a>.</p>

<p>And btw. here is a video created uniquely for you:</p>
<a href="<video_id>">
  <img src="<video_id>/thumbnail.jpg" width="500">

<p>πŸŽ₯ <a href="<video_id>">Link to video</a></p>


Need more personalization variables in email?

Want to use more personalization variables in the email body or use different email templates depending on the recipient?

You can do this by simply passing more paramaters via Callback ID in the Zap 1 and then use another step in Zap 2 before sending the email to separate Callback ID into several parameters (Formatter by Zapier -> Text -> Transform -> Split Text -> Separator that you used in Zap 1 eg. "," -> Segment Index: All as separate fields). This for example enable us to pass a more complex Callback ID that helps us respond to different events with different emails.